Study Information


Study Leader:
Beth  Bunnell
Study Name:
DE 48 Lessons - 48 Lessons
Child Care?:
Study Location:
Physical - US / Online
Study Size:
Display name:
Study Type:
Start Date:
Study Length:
1 Hour
Date & Time Of Week:
Wednesday - 7:00 pm EST (UTC-05:00)
Co-Leader Email:

 Message for Attendees 

Thank you for joining our Charis Bible Study! The next study we have selected is "Discipleship Evangelism" (DE). Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." - Matthew 28:19 Like many believers, you may feel unprepared or inadequate in fulfilling that command. If you do, stop it! Your family, friends and neighbors need you. They may not know it, but you have the answers to the most important questions in their lives. All you've needed is the right tool. This tool has been designed so that anyone, at anytime, anywhere can reach an unbeliever, disciple a new believer, or grow with others in the Lord.

Our goal, along with LifeChurch Oak Hills, is to strengthen and help build up the Body of Christ. During the study, we will balance teaching, interaction and fellowship. When we’re able and if you’re able, we will meet in person; however, due to social distancing, we will begin the Study on Zoom and then move to a hybrid Bible Study model.

Please note that DE Unit 1 will occur from September – December, 2020; DE Unit 2 will occur from January – April, 2021 and DE Unit 3 will occur from September – December, 2021.

We look forward to seeing you in September and we look forward to getting to know you better!

Blessings in Jesus!

Beth Bunnell
Charis Bible Studies Group Leader